The accident took place nearby the BIFA campus, in Sumberkima village, Gerokgak subdistrict.
Singaraja (ANTARA News) - A trainer airplane belonging to the Bali International Flight Academy (BIFA) crashed a moment before it was landing at Letkol Wisnu airstrip in Buleleng district, Bali province on Sunday.

The plane`s pilot and his assistant were rushed to Buleleng Regional Hospital for injuries they suffered due to accident. The accident took place nearby the BIFA campus, in Sumberkima village, Gerokgak subdistrict.

According to information gathered by ANTARA News, the accident happened at 2.04 pm. It began when two BIFA students flew the plane with its registration No. PK-ROI.

When it was to land, the plane crashed on an agricultural land in the western part of the airstrip behind the house of a resident.

It was believed that the trainer plan was flying at a too low altitude and hit a tree before falling to the ground.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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