Cirebon, West Java (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has formed a special team to develop tour packages around the Kertajati Airport or West Java International Airport (BIJB) to support local people's economic growth.

"We have a special team in the ministry in cooperation with the government of West Java Province to create tour packages," Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said here on Sunday.

The BIJB has a strategic location thanks to toll road access that makes passengers easy to reach this Indonesia's second biggest airport, he said.

With that potential, he assessed that the tourism sector around the airport must be offered to passengers through integrated tour packages.

Uno said the busy flight traffic in the BIJB could hopefully have a positive impact on the local community. To this end, all parties' collaboration is needed to realize it.

According to him, there are several mainstay tourist destinations that have been developed for a long time by the government of Majalengka District, West Java.

One of the tourist destinations is the Bantaragung Tourism Village.

Uno also encouraged direct flights from the BIJB with higher quality, especially routes to Saudi Arabia for Umrah trips, Malaysia, and Singapore.

He also ensured that going forward, flight tickets at the BIJB will be more affordable because the government has implemented various policies to enable more people to fly from the airport.

"I appreciated the performance of the Transportation Minister, who has been tirelessly striving to open direct flights from the Middle East to Kertajati," he remarked.

Flight activities at the BIJB have shown growth since commercial flights were fully opened there on October 29, 2023.

Since then, the airport's management reported that the passenger load factor per day had reached 70 percent, with flights to Denpasar, Bali, being the most favorite flights.

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