Gorontalo District (ANTARA) - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, on Friday, inaugurated the development of an inpatient building of Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie Regional Public Hospital in Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province.

This year, a special budget worth Rp25.9 billion (US$1.6 million) has been allocated for carrying out the expansion of the public hospital managed by the Gorontalo provincial government.

"We still need an additional budget of Rp50 billion (US$3.1 million) expected to be acquired this year or next year in order to accelerate the development, as development works that take a long time to conclude usually end up being unsuccessful," he elaborated.

The building, called Menara Bumi Gorontalo Sehat, will have five floors and display Gorontalo-styled cultural artistry, the Karawo embroidery.

The first floor of the building will host four inpatient rooms dedicated to fund assistance recipient (PBI) patients, with a total capacity of 20 beds. The floor will also be equipped with a pharmaceutical room, laboratory, praying room, nursing room, and literacy room.

Meanwhile, the next three floors will accommodate a total of 48 beds for PBI patients and 12 beds for non-PBI patients and host some other facilities, namely a doctor's and nurse's room, an action and isolation room, as well as a consultation and discussion room.

The top floor is envisioned as a compartment dedicated to accommodate 12 VIP beds and six VVIP beds. Several supporting medical facilities will also be installed on the floor.

The development of the inpatient building is projected to conclude within 225 days.

In addition to Minister Sadikin, the launch of the inpatient building's development was also attended by Gorontalo Province's Regional Secretary Sofian Ibrahim, Gorontalo District Head Nelson Pomalingo, and the hospital's director Dr. Fitriyanto Rajak.

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