#food agriculture organization

Collection of food agriculture organization news, found 5 news.

FAO calls for sustainable forest management

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in commemorating the International Day of Forests, ...

World Food Day calls for solidarity, more resilient, robust systems

The 2020 World Food Day calls for more resilient and robust agri-food systems and for global solidarity since the ...

Mere 3-pct awareness of health protocol among market residents: survey

Only three percent of the traders and buyers at markets in the Greater Jakarta area are aware of the significance of ...

News Feature - Iswadi Suhari, a farmer`s son who becomes FAO`s top official

Iswadi Suhari Mawabagja is an ordinary citizen, who grew up in a small village far away from Jakarta, but he now ...

Ex-coordinating minister for maritime affairs receives IAGI award

Former coordinating minister for maritime affairs Indroyono Soesilo has received an award from the Indonesian ...