The Jakarta composite index (JCI) opened lower on Thursday to follow the regional trend, analysts said. The ...
The banks in Jakarta traded Indonesias rupiah at Rp12,325 per US dollar on Thursday morning or it regained 13 points ...
Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowadojo said here on Wednesday that the Rupiah depreciated because of foreign ...
The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed higher on Wednesday to follow the appreciation of rupiah against the US ...
The rate of Indonesias rupiah against the US dollar, traded among banks in Jakarta on Wednesday morning, fell to ...
Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro attributed the volatility of rupiah in the past several weeks to financial ...
The rupiah value fell against the US dollar in the closing trade on Wednesday on external factor, analysts said. ...
The government aims to curtail the deficit in the 2015 revised budget to below two percent of the gross domestic ...
The Jakarta composite index (JCI) opened slightly lower on Thursday on worries over short term economic slowdown ...
Many hurdles will still block Indonesian financial market weakening rupiah against the US dollar in 2015, an ...
Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the country can achieve the 5.8 percent growth target set in the 2015 ...
The government considered the US dollar exchange rate and international oil prices before increasing the prices of ...
The Indonesian rupiah currency regained more value against the US dollar in closing trade on Tuesday. The ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah regained some of its lost value against the US dollar in the closing trade on Monday. ...
The rupiah value fell again against the US dollar opening at the level of 12,205 per dollar in the first minutes of ...