Sigi Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has not found yet two bodies of a flash flood`s victims in Sigi ...
Deputy chairman of Commission IV of the House of Representatives (DPR) Herman Khaeron has called on the government to ...
The government needs to evaluate the country`s economic growth quality, particularly its effect on enhancing and ...
The outbreak of poisonous rove beetles in East Java, which have infected around 560 people in 12 districts, has ...
The US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) has detected 61 hot spots on Sumatra Island, according to ...
Forest fire hot spots have been detected in around 10 provinces in Indonesia during the present dry season which has ...
The forestry ministry has mobilized personnel and three planes to help extinguish forest fires on Sumatra Island. ...
The Indonesian government appears to be determined to reduce the number of forest fire hot spots by 20 percent ...
Chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said the government would continue to import rice as a contingency measure. ...
Vice President Boediono said Indonesia must always make sure it has sufficient food stocks because food shortages ...
From the tropical rain forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan to Papua and the pastures of Nusa Tenggara, land in ...
Out Of a total of 1,594 bird species existing in Indonesia, 112 are on the brink of extinction and included in the ...