
Collection of banking news, found 1.994 news.

Taiwan president-elect`s brother named in panama papers, but did not wrong - Lawyer

An older brother of Taiwan President-Elect Tsai Ing-wen was named in the so-called Panama Papers as setting up an ...

Index growth shows improving economy: Indonesia stock exchange

The composite share price index (IHSG) has been growing showing an improving domestic economy, the Director of ...

Access to credit card transactions needed to check taxpayers` profiles

Regulations are required to access taxpayers credit card transactions data, particularly of individual tax payers (WP ...

Govt to track taxpayers through registered cards

A legislator has proposed that the taxpayers numbers (NPWP) should be included in their identity cards (KTP) to make ...

Bandung floods considered worst in 10 years

Floods have spread to wider areas across Indonesian provinces in the last few weeks, with the worst flood striking ...

Market oriented policy gives rise to optimism in property business

The series of economic policy packages including cut in interest rate launched by the government has injected new ...

Indonesia to reopen banking transactions with Iran

Indonesia said it is open to resume banking transactions with Iran following the lifting of economic sanctions against ...

Fenergo Continues APAC Expansion with New Singapore Office

Fenergo, the leading provider of Regulatory Onboarding and Client Lifecycle Management solutions for investment, ...

UnionPay International works with the top four banks in Thailand to build the local bankcard switching system

-On February 24, UnionPay International, together with Thailand's top four commercial banks, announced that TPN (Thai ...

Indonesia to bring banking rate down to single digit

In order to make the countrys economy more efficient and competitive as it faces the ASEAN Economic Community, the ...

Capital inflow expected to double this year

The governments step to launch a series of economic policy packages and the effort by the Indonesian central bank ...

Indonesian bank opens branch in Seoul

An Indonesian bank, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 46, opened a branch office in Seoul, South Korea, in Wise Tower, on ...

Surabaya chamber asks banks to cut lending rate to 8 percent

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of Surabaya chapter has asked banks to lower their lending ...

Taisys affiliate Shanghai F-road wins 1st prize In The Wall Street Journal's financial inclusion challenge

- World-renowned financial news publication, The Wall Street Journal, invited enterprises from around the ...

Ten online shopping tips to help you score the best deals

- Most shopping sites want consumers to spend more with them and therefore closely guard their promotional ...