#below two percent

Collection of below two percent news, found 339 news.

Indonesian government sets basic fuel prices including that of Pertamax

Effective January 1, 2015, the basic prices of all fuel oils (BBM) will be determined by the government, including ...

BI says current rupiah depreciation at normal level

Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara said here on Friday that the current depreciation of the ...

BI to help curb 2014 inflation at 7.7 percent

The countrys central bank, Bank Indonesia (BI) announced its plan to curb inflation in 2014 at 7.7 percent or at the ...

Govt to reduce budget deficit to below two percent

The government aims to curtail the deficit in the 2015 revised budget to below two percent of the gross domestic ...

Indonesian govt should not use CSR funds for card program: Academician

The government should not use the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds to finance its Indonesia Health Card, ...

Price hike sparks consumers` switch to subsidized LPG

As expected, consumers are switching to subsidized liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in three-kilogram cylinders following ...

Current account deficit to drop in first quarter: Deputy minister

Indonesias current account deficit will drop in the first quarter this year, due to a slowdown in imports, according ...

Rupiah appreciates amid favorable global situation: Basri

Indonesias rupiah has appreciated because of the improving global economy, stated Finance Minister Chatib Basri. ...

Indonesia`s exports exceeds target: trade ministry

The Trade Ministry stated that the value of Indonesias exports in 2013 had exceeded its target of US$179 billion to ...

People have big interest in presidential election

Survey institute Pol-Tracking has revealed that the peoples interest in taking part in next Julys presidential ...

RI promotes use of renewable energy for transportation

Indonesia has begun to develop and encourage the use of biofuel for transportation, including aviation, in an effort ...

Investment Professionals in Asia Pacific Show Tempered Optimism on Economic Growth in 2014

- Investment professionals in Asia Pacific (APAC) are more optimistic about economic prospects for the coming year ...

Golkar looking for veep candidate among javanese

A Golkar Party executive said the party will be considering vice presidential candidates at the fourth national ...

Australia at crossroads as China boom ends

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Thursday said the China resources boom was over, leaving the economy at a ...

President Yudhoyono attends Bali mangrove planting event

President Susilo Yudhoyono attended mangrove tree planting event at Telaga Waja Benoa area in Bali on Wednesday. ...