#character education

Collection of character education news, found 94 news.

President to issue regulation to replace full day school regulation

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will soon produce a regulation for strengthening character education to replace the ...

Making character education part of every school day

To be effective in schools, character education must involve everyone from school staff, parents, students, and ...

Character education helps improve academic achievement

Character education at school is believed to able to greatly help the learners with their academic subjects. ...

Police prepare security for public debate of election candidates

Jakarta police have made preparations to assure security during public debate between gubernatorial election ...

Full day school system needs further study

The pioneering idea floated by the education minister to introduce a full day school education system wherein students ...

VP agrees to proposal for full day school

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has agreed to the Education and Culture Ministrys proposal for a full day school system but ...

Pancasila, cohesive power of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

Every year, on June 1, Indonesia commemorates the birth of the national ideology of Pancasila, which serves as the ...

Character education begins at home

Character education, or the teaching of virtues, should start at home where children can learn through positive ...

President calls to impart public education to prevent bullying

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on imparting public education to prevent cases of child bullying and ...

Indonesian mathematics team wins gold medal at Malaysia

Indonesian mathematics team at the Junior High School (SMP) level won five gold, six silver and nine bronze medals in ...

Pancasila serves as value system of life

Pancasila, the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia, serves as the value system of life that has been ...

More time is required to understand new curriculum

The Indonesian government is changing the national curriculum, and it is keen on implementing the new curriculum by ...

Education system should not be blamed for student brawls

Student violence has become a serious problem in Jakarta in recent days, particularly because of the use of sharp ...

Student brawls not instigated by education failure

The rise of student brawls in the past few days does not necessarily mean that the national education system has ...

Anti-corruption curriculum implemented in Manado

The anti-corruption curriculum has been implemented at all schools in Manado, North Sulawesi, said the local education ...