
Collection of chicken news, found 673 news.

Indonesia angklung held in Christchurch, New Zealand

An Indonesian puppet show and "angklung" (Indonesian bamboo music instrument) ensemble staged a 30-minute performance ...

ELMA 2013 Sets Thai Export Logistics Standard

-     Quick and Accurate Response to customer needs is the major challenge in a borderless world, ...

Inflation could reach 1.3 percent in August: BI

Bank Indonesia predicted the country`s inflation would reach 1.3 percent in August. "Our weekly survey showed ...

July peak of monthly inflation in 2013: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) said the July inflation rate which accelerated to 3.2 percent or higher than its forecast of 2.7 ...

RI needs long-term solution to food problem

Indonesia needs a long-term solution to achieving self-sufficiency in food and increasing agricultural products to ...

Ramadan in Turkey in the eyes of Indonesian

"Sharing Starts from Our Table" seems to be the motto of every Turks especially during the fasting month of Ramadan as ...

People warned of food products containing formalin

The Balikpapan city administration warned household wives against buying food products containing formalin. "We ...

Govt food policies speculative: Kadin

The food polices applied by the government to meet national needs are speculative as shown by the fact that supply and ...

Do not give second place to food distribution: Chamber

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Chairman Suryo Bambang Sulisto has said food distribution should ...

Bird flue suspected of killing 150 chickens in C. Java

Avian influenza was believed to have caused the death of 150 chickens in the regency of Magelang, Central Java in ...

Horse meat scandal lifts awareness of food security

The shockwaves of the horse-meat scandal in some European states are felt here at the ongoing food and hospitality ...

Bank Indonesia predicts inflation to reach 1.1% in January

Bank Indonesia (BI), the central bank, has predicted that inflation will reach 1.1 percent by the end of this month, ...

Thousands of chickens dead of bird flu in Jambi

Thousands of chickens died of bird flu in a number of villages, Batanghari district, in the past several days, ...

Prices of basic necessaries remain stable despite floods

Trade Minister Gita Wiryawan said floods that swept through many areas in Jakarta over the past few days pushed the ...

Indonesia hails re-election of Obama, `the Menteng Kid`

Following re-election of US President Barack Obama, many Indonesians have hailed the victory of `The Menteng Kid.` ...