#customs and excise

Collection of customs and excise news, found 369 news.

UAE to invest in Gresik port, industrial zone

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is planning to invest in a container port and industrial zone in Gresik, East Java ...

Indonesia, UAE agree to intensify cooperation in 12 sectors

Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are on the same page to increase bilateral cooperation in 12 areas, ...

Attempt to smuggle 38kg of crystal meth foiled

North Kalimantan's National Narcotics Agency (BNN), police, and Customs and Excise Office successfully thwarted an ...

N Sumatra police foil trade in crystal meth

The North Sumatra police's anti-drug squad has thwarted an attempt to trade 59 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine ...

News Focus

Indonesia takes firm stand on saying no to foreign rubbish

Over the past few months, Indonesia has repeatedly shown its objection toward becoming a dumping ground for foreign ...

TNI catch a man carrying marijuana seeds from Indonesia-PNG border

TNI soldiers safeguarding the RI-PNG border, Infantry Battalion PR 328 / DGH, caught a young man GS, 32, from Waris, ...

Batam city government bans use of imported plastic waste

The Batam city government barred imported plastic waste used as raw materials for industries in the coastal city owing ...

Indonesia to re-export illegal plastic waste

Indonesia will re-export illegal plastic waste entering the country, Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya ...

Customs foils married couple's attempt to smuggle drugs into Indonesia

Customs authorities promptly thwarted a drug smuggling attempt by arresting a married couple looking to bring in the ...

Bali customs, excise detain Thai nationals over crystal meth smuggling

The Bali customs and excise officers arrested two Thai nationals, identified by their initials as PS, 29, and AP, 20, ...

KPK bans five people from traveling abroad in graft case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has imposed an overseas travel ban on five people, due to their alleged ...

Four named as suspects in purchasing KKP Customs patrol boats

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named four suspects in corruption cases connected to their purchasing ...

Live mangrove crabs of Maluku in high demand in S'pore and M'sia

Consumers in Singapore and Malaysia have been increasingly demanding live mangrove crabs exported directly from Maluku, ...

BNN confiscates 52 kg crystal meth in Chinese tea packs from Malaysia

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and Directorate of Customs and Excise seized 52 kilograms (kg) of crystal ...

Indonesia, China ink trade protocol for export of mangosteen

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L. P. Marsudi and Chinese Customs and Excise Minister Ni Yue Feng inked a trade ...