
Collection of fate news, found 504 news.

Women in parliament key for gender equality

The meaningful role women should play in parliament is to have an impact in changing the nature of politics and to ...

Indonesia joins international team in search for missing Malaysian plane

Since Saturday, March 8, when the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing went missing ...

President Yudhoyono monitors the search for MH370 missing plane

President Susilo Yudhoyono continues to monitor the latest development in the search for the missing Malaysian ...

KPK launches honest campaign with Puteri Indonesia

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) launched the "Choose the Honest" campaign for the Integrity 2014 Election in ...

Indonesia hemmed-in between benefits and hazards of tobacco

The Indonesian government has not yet discussed whether it will ratify the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ...

Four tigers wander around as their habitat catches fire

Four Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) were wandering in the area where fire brigade personnel were ...

Army chief of staff meets defense attaches of partner countries

Army Chief of Staff General Budiman held a meeting with the defense attach's of partner country embassies at the ...

Orangutan tortured in Surabaya zoo video goes viral

A video titled "Abuse of Orangutan at Surabaya Zoo", of duration one minute 15 seconds, went viral on the Internet ...

Leopard detected in conservation forests in East Java

The East Java chapter of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has detected Javanese leopards (Panthera ...

Aburizal not to withdraw from party`s presidential nomination

The general chairman of the Golkar Party, Indonesias second-largest party, Aburizal Bakrie, said here on Friday that ...

Russian film "Stalingrad" screened in China

More good news for Chinese cinema fans as Russian war epic "Stalingrad" hits cinema screens in China. Back in ...

Indonesian tempe producers shut down to protest rising prices

Tempe and tofu (fermented soybean cake) makers in provinces across the country halted production on Monday to protest ...

Five West Java`s districts stop supplying tempe, tofu

Producers in at least five districts in West Java Province stopped distributing `tempe` and tofu soybean fermented ...

Australian professor tells Jakarta session Y chromosome will disappear

An Australian professor has told a Jakarta session that poorly designed Y chromosome that creates males is degrading ...

Speedboat with immigrants from Sudan capsized in Papua

Fourteen of the 23 immigrants from Sudan whose speedboat capsized in Torasi river in Merauke, Papua, on August 14 are ...