
Collection of gathering news, found 1.496 news.

Australian spy hq plans stolen by Chinese hackers

Chinese hackers have stolen the blueprints of a new multi-million-dollar Australian spy headquarters as part of a ...

POWER-GEN Asia Returns to Bangkok for Annual Gathering of Power Industry Professionals

POWER-GEN Asia and Renewable Energy World Asia, the region's premier conference and exhibition for all aspects of the ...

Freeport must give priority to work safety: governor

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe asked PT Freeport Indonesia to give priority to the safety of each of its worker who ...

Freeport says 25 workers still unaccounted for

PT Freeport Indonesia said efforts were still being made to find 25 workers trapped in the company`s Big Gossan ...

Papua police investigate Aimas shooting incident

The Papua Regional Police Command has deployed a team to investigate the shooting incident in Aimas in the Sorong ...

The 8th World Congress on Blue Economy in Madrid, Spain

- The Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs (MMFA) commits to continue implementing the blue economy concept in the ...

Workers called not to block Jakarta toll roads on May 1

Jakarta`s Metropolitan Police Command issued a call here on Tuesday for workers not to block toll roads during ...

First Global Vaccine Summit Highlights Remarkable Progress Towards Vaccinating Every Child

- More than 300 global leaders, health and development experts, vaccinators, celebrities, philanthropists, and business ...

President Yudhoyono to visit three ASEAN countries

President Susilo Yudhoyono is scheduled to visit three ASEAN countries, respectively Singapore, Myanmar, and Brunei ...

Indonesian oil law revision to be wrapped up next year

A special Committee set up by the House of Representatives said it hopes revision of the Law on Oil and Gas could be ...

President Yudhoyono hosts diplomatic gathering

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to host a diplomatic gathering at the Cipanas Presidential Palace, ...

US deploys destroyer off tense Korean peninsula

The United States has placed a destroyer off the South Korean coast to defend against a possible missile strike, the ...

The World's Largest International Coil Winding, Insulations & Electrical Manufacturing Show in Guangzhou, China

- 17 years of continuous growth has made CWIEME the largest Coil Winding, Insulation and Manufacturing trade show and ...

President Yudhoyono wants to become closer to the media

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met senior media editors here on Thursday, expressing his willingness to always ...

East Kalimantan to hold int`l folklore, art festival this year

East Kalimantan will organize "Erau International Folklore and Art Festival (EIFAF)" in Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara ...