#government agencies

Collection of government agencies news, found 750 news.

President : corruption must be fought systematically

Corruption is a crime that needs to be fought through systematic efforts, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said on ...

President received 1,609 citizens` complaints in past four months

The presidential office received a total of 1,609 complaints from members of the public within the last four months ...

SWB 2011 to become biggest international marine event

Themed "The Ocean for Future Life," Sail Wakatobi-Belitung 2011 (SWB 2011) is expected to be the biggest international ...

Southeast Sulawesi govt agencies asked to support Sail Wakatobi - Belitung

Southeast Sulawesi Governor Nur Alam has called on all related government agencies in the province to help make the ...

E Nusa Tenggara governor`s old office building catches fire

The old office building of the East Nusa Tenggara governor caught fire apparently caused by a short circuit early ...

Indonesians now have easier access to geographically referenced information B

The increasing consumers demand for geographically referenced information, known as geospatial information, will bring ...

House passes geospatial information bill into law

The House of Representatives (DPR) in its plenary session on Tuesday agreed to pass the Geospatial Information (GI) ...

News Focus: Mediation offered over media boycott polemics

Two press bodies, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the Press Council, have offered mediation efforts ...

Senior journalists deplore Dipo`s statement

Some press figures deplored cabinet secretary Dipo Alam`s recent statement to boycott certain media organizations, ...

Latest Technologies Straining Cyber Security Staffs, Study Warns

- Critical Skills Gap Also Found in (ISC)2-Sponsored, Frost & Sullivan Study of More than 10,000 Information ...

Q1 decisive for 2011 inflation rate

The inflation rate in 2011 can be kept at a low level if in the February-April 2011 period it is relatively low, a ...

Govt to curb inflation caused by subsidized fuel limitation

The government will always make an effort to curb the impact of its decision to limit the use of subsidized fuels on ...

Asean closer to one-stop online trading system

Asean traders and governments have come closer to benefiting from the Asean Trade Repository (ATR), an online system ...

President`s instruction shows govt`s seriousness on Gayus case: lawmakers

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s instruction on the settlement of tax fraud defendant Gayus Tambunan`s case is ...

Exploring Sea Floor To Cement RI-US Science Cooperation

US President Barack Obama when visiting Indonesia in November 2010, said that the US government was sincerely striving ...