
Collection of guests news, found 1.445 news.

Belgian Embassy celebrates King`s day in Jakarta

The Embassy of Belgium in Jakarta celebrated King`s Day in Jakarta, hosted by Ambassador Patrick Herman at the Belgian ...

President expects education to be relevant to world development

President Joko Widodo expected the development of education in Indonesia to be relevant to the developments of the ...

Indonesia exceeds world aviation safety standard: minister

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that Indonesia has surpassed the world aviation safety standards, based ...

Preparations ripe for Sail Sabang 2017

Preparations are almost ripe for the implementation of the international maritime event of Sail Sabang to be held from ...

S Korean President visits Bogor Trade Mall

Visiting President Moon Jae-in of South Korea visited Bogor Trade Mall (BTM), along with President Joko Widodo, on ...

Wedding ceremony of Jokowi`s daughter modest: Kalla

Vice President M Jusuf Kalla has remarked that the wedding ceremony of Kahiyang Ayu, the only daughter of President ...

VVIP guests arrive for matrimony procession of Jokowi`s daughter

Thousands of guests including several VVIPs arrived in Graha Saba Buana Hall, where matrimony procession of Kahiyang ...

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo hosts Japanese chopsticks exhibition

- Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in ...

Hotels give emergency discounts regarding Mount Agung: Tourism Ministry

A number of hotels in Bali are ready to give discounts for tourists as one of scenarios if Mount Agung erupts that ...

Police arrest 51 people after gay party

Police in Central Jakarta have arrested 51 people following a gay party in T1 Sauna at Block A of Harmoni Plaza shop ...

Do not hesitate to visit Bali, it is safe

Despite Mount Agung being active, it has not yet erupted, but news reports on it have deterred several foreign ...

More than 1.5 million titles and 2,600 events at Sharjah International Book Fair 2017

- More than 1.5 million titles and 1,650 publishing houses from 60 countries will be taking part at the 36th edition of ...

Aceh poised to become main tourism destination

The Indonesian Province of Aceh is intensively developing its tourism sector in an effort to become one of the main ...

70 thousand foreigners likely to postpone Bali visit

The Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI) has predicted that some 70 thousand foreigners would ...

Developing community-based tourism in Borobudur

The Buddhist Temple of Borobudur, the largest in the world, is a magnet that has the power to draw visitors from far ...