Twelve Philippine soldiers were killed and 10 others missing in a clash with the country`s largest Muslim guerrilla ...
The number of Taliban attacks in Afghanistan has declined for the first time in a "welcome" trend in the ten-year-old ...
Turkey evacuated dozens of severely wounded blast victims from the Somali capital Mogadishu on Thursday, two days ...
The Taliban opened fire on a bus in southern Afghanistan Thursday killing two civilians, including a child, and ...
Up to 15 people were killed on Monday after Iraqi security forces fought gunmen and suicide bombers who had seized ...
Gun attacks and bombings in Iraq on Sunday killed seven people, including four anti-Qaeda militiamen killed in two ...
Two roadside bombs in a former Al-Qaeda stronghold north of Baghdad on Sunday killed six people, including four ...
Two Afghan policewomen and a civilian were killed by a mine on their way to work Thursday, a day after another eight ...
Three foreign troops have died in a single bombing in Afghanistan, the NATO-led International Security Assistance ...
Nine people have been killed in fierce fighting in Indian Kashmir, the Indian army and police said Wednesday, amid ...
Eight Afghan police were killed early Wednesday when Taliban militants apparently helped by an insider overran their ...
One policeman and five civilians were killed when a car bomb exploded in Russia`s violence-plagued Muslim North ...
An unmanned U.S. spy drone has crashed in Somalia`s southern port city of Kismayu, a bastion of the al Qaeda-allied al ...
Three Chechens, one of them closely linked to Russia`s most-wanted militant leader, were buried on Monday after they ...
Malaysian tourists were among four killed and 110 wounded in multiple blasts in the insurgency-plagued Thai south, ...