
Collection of kesehatan news, found 357 news.

PHC Holdings Corporation: PHC sells its medical IT systems to Dharmais Cancer Hospital (National Cancer Center) and Kabupaten Tangerang Regional Public Hospital in Indonesia

- PHC Corporation (hereafter PHC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PHC Holdings Corporation (headquarters: Tokyo, Japan) ...

Wall Street sedikit melemah

Wall Street berakhir lebih rendah setelah berfluktuasi pada Rabu (Kamis pagi WIB), karena kenaikan di sektor kebutuhan ...

Indeks DAX-30 Jerman ditutup menguat 0,71 persen

Saham-saham Jerman ditutup lebih tinggi pada Selasa (23/1), dengan indeks acuan DAX-30 di Bursa Efek Frankfurt menguat ...

Indeks FTSE-100 Inggris berakhir bertambah 0,57 persen

Saham-saham Inggris berakhir lebih tinggi pada Jumat (15/12), dengan indeks acuan FTSE-100 di Bursa Efek London ...

Lebih 8 juta warga Yaman berada dalam jurang kelaparan

Dua pihak yang bertikai harus memberi lebih banyak bantuan terhadap 8,4 juta orang yang "berada dalam jurang ...

Efforts to reduce economic burden from health costs

Various preventive efforts need to be done by every individual in Indonesia as the best possible solution to reduce ...

Health challenge in 72nd year of independence

The challenge of the health sector in the 72nd year of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is to unite and ...

Bandara Malaysia prioritaskan keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang

Pihak pengelola bandar udara di Malaysia menegaskan akan memperpanjang kerja sama penuh dengan Polisi Diraja Malaysia ...

Govt finances JKN premium contribution for 92.4 million citizens

The government has paid the National Health Insurance (JKN) premiums for 92.4 million low-income people as part of ...

BPJS-kesehatan now has 170 million members

Nearly 170 million Indonesian citizens have become members of the Health and Social Security Management Agency ...

Health minister urges private hospitals to improve quality

Health Minister Nila F Moeloek urged private hospitals to improve the quality and competence of their human resources ...

Harta 62 orang terkaya sama dengan setengah penduduk dunia

Nilai harta 62 orang terkaya dunia sama dengan jumlah harta yang dimilki setengah populasi di dunia yaitu sekitar 3,5 ...

Labor unions urge govt not to use foreign labor

Thousands of workers staged a rally on Tuesday, urging the government to not provide easy access to foreign workers ...

Demonstrators "besiege" presidential palace

Thousands of laborers grouped under the Indonesian Workers Movement (GBI) staged a long march from Bank Indonesia ...

President Distributes Social Benefit Cards in Gianyar, Bali

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo distributed 2,364 social assistance cards, comprising 1,565 Indonesia Health Cards ...