#legal certainty

Collection of legal certainty news, found 320 news.

Parliament approves appointment of new police chief

Nine political party factions in the Parliament have approved the appointment of Commissioner General Budi Gunawan as ...

Budi Gunawan vows to develop Indonesian anti-corruption culture

The sole candidate for the post of national police chief Commissioner General Budi Gunawan informed legislators here ...

Indonesia predicted to have better economic conditions in 2015

Many have predicted that Indonesia will have better economic conditions this year as compared to last year. The ...

New govt regulation to replace law on regional head elections

The newly issued government regulation en lieu of law (Perppu) No. 1/2014 will replace Law No. 22/2014 if the House of ...

Indonesian next president expected to uphold human rights

Two presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, are vying to be Indonesias next ...

Commission considers inclusion of human rights issues in presidential debate

The General Elections Commission (KPU) is contemplating to include human rights issues in the presidential and vice ...

Court meets Antasari`s demand over judicial review

The Constitutional Court (MK) met Antasari Azhars demand on Thursday allowing the former chairman of the Corruption ...

Eurocham urges Indonesian govt to ease business regulations

The European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia, EuroCham Indonesia, has called on the Indonesian government to ...

Indonesia, Saudi Arabia to sign bilateral agreement on migrant workers

Indonesia and Saudi Arabia will sign a bilateral agreement on the placement and protection of Indonesian domestic ...

Most of oil and gas supplies almost exhausted: official

Most of Indonesias oil and gas supplies are almost exhausted while the increased consumption cannot be sufficiently ...

Apindo hails revised negative list of businesses for investment

The Indonesia Employers Association (Apindo) has hailed the newly-revised list of negative investment areas (DNI), ...

House passes industrial bill into law

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) on Thursday passed an industrial bill into law, which will lay a firm ...

Doctors do not have impunity against malpractice: legislator

The professional class of doctors do not possess any impunities if found guilty of negligence and malpractice towards ...

Economy projected to grow six percent next year

Indonesias economy has been projected to grow six percent in fiscal 2014, down from 6.3 percent in the previous fiscal ...

Timor Leste-Indonesia bilateral relations improve

Most of the basic necessities for the people of Timor Leste, formerly known as East Timor, are sourced from ...