#marine issues

Collection of marine issues news, found 37 news.

Greenpeace Indonesia to focus on campaigns against over fishing

Greenpeace Indonesia will focus on launching campaigns against over fishing to protect the country`s marine ...

Indonesian students discuss international issues in United Nations model

Eight Indonesian high school students from the Sekolah Indonesia Nederland (SIN) in Wassenar, the Netherlands, are ...

UNGA president calls for universal ratification of law of sea convention

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) President Vuk Jeremic on Monday marked the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations ...

To Strengthen the Existence, Indonesia Joins the International Marine Exhibition in South Korea

The government of Indonesia continues to maintain its existence in the eyes of international world as a maritime ...

People's Republic of China Follows-Up The Cooperation of Marine Economic

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo, on Wednesday (April 18) received the honourable ...

Indonesia - People's Republic of China Agree to Develop the Blue Economy

The Government of Indonesia and People's Republic of China (PRC) agree to develop the blue economy. This agreement was ...

Some 2,500 people join tour of 1,000 bikers in Wakatobi

Some 2,500 domestic and foreign participants joined a Tour of 1,000 Bikers organized to highlight the launch of Sail ...