#mirza adityaswara

Collection of mirza adityaswara news, found 85 news.

BI asks government to stay alert for Fed rate hike

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) has suggested that the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) stay ...

Rupiah stability important: Central bank

Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Mirza Adityaswara stressed the importance of maintaining rupiah stability for ...

Bank operations smooth despite ATM problem: Bank Indonesia

Senior deputy governor of Indonesias central bank Mirza Adityaswara assured here on Sunday that banking operations in ...

Indonesian re-denomination needs 10-year preparation

Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Mirza Adityaswara stated that the re-denomination process or reducing ...

Indonesia`s inflation competitive regionally: Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia said the countrys inflation rate of 3.88 percent year-on-year, by July 2017 showed that southeast Asias ...

Growth of manufacturing industry falls short of expectation: BI

The growth of the Indonesian manufacturing industry, which reached 4.21 percent year-on-year (y-o-y) in the first ...

Awaiting what is to come out of Trump`s executive orders

The Indonesian government has reacted reasonably to U.S. President Donald J. Trumps executive order, which accused ...

Financial market records capital inflow of Rp79.1 trillion

A central bank official said here on Friday that Rp79.1 trillion had entered Indonesia from January to April, which ...

Indonesia`s forex reserves up to $121.8 billion

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves rose US$1.9 billion to US$121.8 billion as of March 2017 due in part to the ...

Indonesia readies anticipatory steps following Trump`s executive order

The Indonesian government has yet to make a move but is preparing anticipatory steps while awaiting the results of the ...

Central bank warns of months of rising inflation rate

Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia Mirza Adityaswara said the period ahead of Islamic fasting month and Eid ...

Indonesia has not violated US trade regulations: BI

Indonesia did not violate US trade and customs laws, as mentioned in President Donald Trumps latest executive orders ...

BI advises banks to retain profit to strengthen capital

Bank Indonesia said banks need to take into account the position of their capital adequacy ratio (CAR) in paying ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand agree on reducing dependence on dollar

Central banks of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have signed a memorandum of understanding on trade settlement and ...

Indonesia`s balance of payments to show US$10 billion surplus

Indonesias balance of payments throughout 2016 would book a surplus of US$10 billion, rebounding after it collapsed ...