#national media

Collection of national media news, found 64 news.

Media asked to be wise in reporting terrorism

Head of the National Antiterrorism Agency (BNPT) Com. Gen. Suhardi Alius, has requested the media to use wisdom in ...

State enterprises entering golden era

Rini Mariani Soemarno, a professional woman figure in President Joko Wdodo's cabinet, has heavy tasks as she manages ...

Italian actor Bud Spencer dies at 86

Italian actor and filmmaker Bud Spencer died on Monday at age 86, national media reported. "My father died peacefully ...

Ex-Indonesian envoy to Australia passes away

Former Indonesian ambassador to Australia Sabam Pandapotan Siagian, who was also a noted figure in the national media, ...

Philippine government discovers location of hijackers

The Philippine government has discovered the location of the pirates who had hijacked an Indonesian vessel and its ...

Philippines, Indonesia joint patrol can help overcome piracy: Minister Ryacudu

The problem of piracy and illegal fishing can be controlled if Indonesia and Philippines carry out joint maritime ...

Indonesian military ready to assist the Philippines to handle hostage crisis

The Indonesian Military (TNI) expressed readiness to help the Philippines in capturing the pirates who had hijacked an ...

Vice president questions effectiveness of island for immigrants

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has questioned the effectiveness of providing an island as a temporary shelter for foreign ...

Journalism education crucial for Papuans: Indonesian Press Council

Journalism education is important for Papuans, now that foreign journalists and international organizations have been ...

Jokowi appreciates international media`s balanced coverage

Presidential candidate Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, lauded the international media for its balanced ...

RTL Group and CBS Studios International Announce Plans for New Venture to Launch Two New Television Channels in Asia

- RTL Group, the leading European entertainment network, and CBS Studios International, the leading supplier of ...

Girl`s death triggers gun debate in Philippines

The death of a girl hit by celebratory gunfire on New Year`s Eve sparked calls Thursday for stricter gun controls in ...

Photos of Indonesia independence proclamation to be displayed on National Press Day

Photos of Indonesia`s independence proclamation on August 17, 1945, will be displayed on National Press Day (HPN), ...

Saudi Arabia releases two Indonesian immigrant workers: Foreign Ministry

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry affirmed that Saudi Arabia had released two Indonesian immigrant workers, Karsih binti ...

Three journalists questioned by military police

The Military Police (POM) questioned three journalists, alleged to be victims of violence by the Indonesian Air Force ...