#national security

Collection of national security news, found 489 news.

Afghan forces kill 50 Taliban militants

Afghan forces have killed 50 Taliban militants including a shadowy district governor in Ghazni province on Tuesday, a ...

Pakistan journalism `under siege`, warns amnesty

Journalists in Pakistan are "under siege", Amnesty International warned Wednesday, living with the constant threat of ...

Indonesian military deploys 30 thousand personnel to secure election

The Indonesian Military Commander, General Moeldoko, said the military had prepared 30 thousand personnel to secure ...

Turkey bans YouTube after Syria security talk leaked

Turkey banned YouTube on Thursday after the video-sharing website was used to spread damaging leaked audio files from ...

TNI commander warns against disrupting stability

Defense Forces (TNI) Commander General Moeldoko warned here on Monday against disrupting national stability during the ...

Ukraine won`t intervene in Crimea, referendum a "sham": President

Ukraine will not intervene militarily in the separatist peninsula of Crimea, in order to avoid exposing its eastern ...

Putin tells Obama Russia has `right` to protect interests

Russia has the right to "protect its interests and Russian-speaking populations" in Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin ...

Indonesia should toughen its stance toward tapping

The government should take a firm stand against tapping done by other countries in view of national interest, the Vice ...

Australia`s tapping on Indonesia has strained bilateral relations: Marty

Bilateral ties have been strained in the wake of Australias phone-tapping activities on Indonesian officials, noted ...

Buddhist Leader Calls for Regional Cooperation in Response to Natural Disasters

-In his annual peace proposal, "Value Creation for Global Change: Building Resilient and Sustainable Societies," ...

Snowden leaks may be `lethal` for troops

Fugitive intelligence contractor Edward Snowdens theft of 1.7 million secret documents could potentially put US ...

Death toll climbs to 45 in Brazil floods

The death toll from heavy rains and flooding in Brazils southeast states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo climbed to ...

Snowden declares "mission accomplished" on leaks

Just six months after first leaking National Security Agency secrets in a move that triggered a revaluation of US ...

Police ramp up security ahead of X`Mas, New Year celebrations by andi abdussalam - (d)

The Indonesia National Police has said it will launch a Candle Light Operation and deploy 92,000 officers across the ...

Christmas security measures to focus on prevention: governor

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo has said he will focus on preventive measures to reduce crime and maintain security in ...