#national security

Collection of national security news, found 489 news.

U.S. to pull out troops from Iraq by end-2011

U.S. President Barack Obama said all American troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year, ending a long war which ...

Obama speaks to Saudi king on alleged Iran plot

U.S. President Barack Obama spoke on Wednesday to Saudi King Abdullah about the alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ...

Bali gears up for ASEAN, ASEAN+3, East Asia Summits

Bali which hosted the first ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Summit in February 1976, will be the venue ...

10 terrorists detained in Kyrgyzstan plot terror attacks

Ten terrorists of the Islamic Jihad Union arrested in southern Kyrgyzstan had been plotting a series of terror attacks ...

Govt to guarantee safety of Asean Summit participants

The Indonesian government will guarantee the safety of the heads of state/government and UN secretary general ...

President Yudhoyono asks military to help police deal with terrorism

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked the military here Wednesday to help the police in overcoming national ...

The Australia-US Alliance: 60 Years Old but More Important Than Ever As Asia Rises

-    Next month marks two important milestones – the tenth anniversary of the devastating 9/11 ...

S. Korea charts out national cyber security strategy

South Korea on Monday outlined a nationwide cyber security strategy following a series of recent online attacks on ...

President receives Lemhannas Governor

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at his office here on Friday received National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) ...

No Military Operations In Papua : Army Chief

The Indonesian army said here on Thursday that it had launched no military action in reaction to recent attacks and ...

Fourteen provinces identified as terrorism propagation pockets

The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) said 14 of Indonesia`s provinces have been identified as pockets of ...

TNI asked to participate in terrorism eradication

Chief security minister has asked the National Defense Forces (TNI) to participate in the fight against terrorism. ...

Petraeus steps down in Afghanistan

General David Petraeus, the most celebrated military leader of his generation, stepped down as US commander in ...

Russia averts `major` terror act near Moscow: security chief

Militants from the volatile North Caucasus had planned to stage a "major" terror act just outside Moscow, the head of ...

At least 41 killed as Mexico srambles in drug war

Mexican authorities sent in an extra 1,800 police Saturday to fight the country`s gruesome and deadly drug war, with ...