#nuclear power plant

Collection of nuclear power plant news, found 187 news.

Buddhist Leader Calls for 2015 Nuclear Abolition Summit in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

-     In his 30th annual peace proposal, released on January 26, Daisaku Ikeda, president of the ...

Radioactive material said stolen from Egypt plant

Radioactive material has been stolen from a nuclear power station on Egypt`s Mediterranean coast that was the site of ...

Entry Into Force of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Brought Closer by Indonesia's Ratification

-         Tibor Toth, head of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive ...

Int`l community appreciates ri`s progress in nuclear technology : official

The international community appreciates the progress Indonesia has made in nuclear science and technology, and ...

Iran to launch bushehr nuclear power plant early February

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) announced Wednesday that Iran`s Bushehr nuclear power plant will be ...

Japan plans to reduce dependence on nuke energy

Noriyuki Shikata, the deputy cabinet secretary for public affairs at prime minister`s of Japan, said the country ...

Govt still has no plan to build nuke plant

The government still has no plan to build a nuclear power plant in the near future as it still has to familiarize the ...

Indonesia planning to have four nuke power plants by 2025

Under the governemnt``s energy development plans, Indonesia should have built four nuclear power plants by 2025, a ...

Indonesian nuclear is not for war

Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) said that Indonesian nuclear will not be used for war, but for the ...

Iran to stop high-grade uranium enrichment if provided with fuel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran will give up 20 percent uranium enrichment if the country is ...

news focus: world youths to promote environment in Bandung

Some 1,300 children and youths aged 15 to 25 years from 120 countries will gather in the West Java city of Bandung ...

Bataan nuke plant conversion to coal or gas not feasible - Napocor

The conversion of the mothballed 600-megawatt Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) to either coal or gas-fired power ...

Iran to start bushehr nuclear power plant by Aug.30 "if tests completed"

Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Fereidoon Abbasi said here Sunday that the first phase of Bushehr ...

6.2-magnitude quake hits Japan`s Fukushima prefecture

An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale jolted Japan`s northeastern Fukushima Prefecture and its vicinity on ...

Babel may host RI`s first nuke power plants

Forced by strong opposition from the local population, the government has decided to postpone building a nuclear ...