
Collection of oxygen news, found 629 news.

Indonesia ready for third COVID wave: KSP

The Indonesian Government had prepared for a third wave of COVID-19 infections even before the local transmission ...

West Java's hospitals should implement COVID-19 alert level 1: gov't

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has urged all hospitals in the province to implement alert level 1 amid the increasing ...

Gov't recommends self-isolation for people with mild symptoms

People with no COVID-19 symptoms or only mild symptoms could conduct self-isolation at home for their health recovery, ...

Govt anticipated current spike in COVID-19 cases: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday said that the government anticipated the current surge in COVID-19 cases in ...

President Widodo asks staff to evaluate PPKM level

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday asked ministers to evaluate the level of community activity restrictions ...

Current wave to be steeper than Delta surge: ministry

The current surge in COVID-19 cases could potentially be higher than the peak of the second wave that occurred in July ...

State-owned firms' CSR program to promote sustainability: Minister

State-owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir affirmed that the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs of ...

Mary Kay Inc. recommits to protecting our coasts on World Wetland Day 2022

Oceans provide 80% of the oxygen we breathe and provide food and income for more than three billion people worldwide. ...

Jakarta adds 6,391 COVID-19 cases

Jakarta province clocked the highest daily COVID-19 cases in Indonesia on Tuesday at 6,391, according to the COVID-19 ...

Self-isolation sufficient for asymptomatic COVID patients: Sadikin

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has said that self-isolation should suffice for people who have been diagnosed with ...

Tangerang health office readies 296 beds at isolation centers

The Health Office of Tangerang City has readied 296 isolation beds for COVID-19 patients at six isolation centers, Head ...

Surabaya hospitals should be prepared for COVID-19 case spike: Mayor

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi has urged all hospitals to take precautionary measures against the third wave or ...

Gov't expanding COVID-19 testing, tracing, treatment: official

The Indonesian government has continued to expand testing, tracing, treatment (3T) to deal with asymptomatic Omicron ...

Govt readies 80,000 hospital beds for COVID-19 patients

The Indonesian government has prepared 80 thousand beds in different hospitals for COVID-19 patients, especially amid ...

Beware of third wave of COVID-19 in Indonesia

Indonesia is about to enter a phase wherein the daily count of COVID-19 cases is starting to increase. The potential ...