#pacific region

Collection of pacific region news, found 1.661 news.

Five giant leatherback turtles lay eggs on Raja Ampat's Yenbekaki

- lay their eggs in several of the country's coastal areas. The WWF Indonesia further noted that the Indonesian ...

Testing, tracing, treatment should be intensified in C Java's Kudus

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stressed on the criticality of boosting testing, tracing, and ...

Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients offered beds at Riau's haj dormitory

The Riau provincial government demonstrated its seriousness in taking precautionary measures against a potential hike ...

ZOLL and Global Healthcare SG sign exclusive agreement for distribution of portable targeted temperature management system in Asia Pacific

ZOLL® Medical Corporation, an Asahi Kasei company that manufactures medical devices and related software solutions, ...

Frontline medical worker succumbs to COVID-19 after giving birth

A frontline medical worker in Bandarlampung, Lampung Province, succumbed to COVID-19 after delivering a baby on ...

Tegal district head tests positive for COVID-19

Tegal District Head Umi Azizah tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), though her condition ...

Indonesia pushes for expediting economic recovery in Asia Pacific

The Indonesian government is committed to accelerating economic recovery in the Asia-Pacific region by actively ...

Some 476 homeward-bound travelers symptomatic with COVID-19: police

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have extended the enforcement of the Ketupat Jaya until May 31, as 476 homeward-bound ...

North Maluku police continue providing antigen tests in tourist spots

The North Maluku police continue to make contribution to Indonesia's COVID-19 prevention efforts by conducting ...

Some 900 COVID-19 patients still hospitalized at Jakarta's Wisma Atlet

Some 900 COVID-19 patients are still hospitalized at Jakarta’s Wisma Atlet Kemayoran emergency hospital on ...

Jakartans returning home must hold COVID-19-free certificates: police

Residents of Jakarta returning home after celebrating the Eid al-Fitr festivity in their hometowns outside the capital ...

Foreign envoys wish Indonesian Muslims a happy, peaceful Eid al-Fitr

Several foreign envoys in Jakarta, in their video greetings, wished Indonesian Muslims a happy and peaceful Eid ...

Thousand Jakartans perform Eid al-Fitr prayer at Al Azhar Mosque

Some one thousand Muslims partook in the Eid al-Fitr prayer in the yard of Al Azhar Grand Mosque, one of the iconic ...

Baswedan performs Eid al-Fitr prayer at home under COVID-19 protocols

 Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan performed the Eid al-Fitr prayer in the backyard of his house in the Lebak Bulus ...

Make Eid al-Fitr a momentum to combat COVID-19: Marsudi

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi urged the people at large in Indonesia and Indonesian communities abroad to make the Eid ...