#palm oil industry

Collection of palm oil industry news, found 223 news.

President targets raising biodiesel production to save forex

Domestic biodiesel production will reduce diesel imports in order to save up to Rp56 trillion (almost US$4 billion) of ...

Ministry suggests strategies for oleochemical industry downstreaming

The Industry Ministry has put forth three strategies to downstream the palm oil-based oleochemical industry that ...

Small-scale palm oil rejuvenation to increase productivity: VP

The rejuvenation of small-scale palm oil plantations is aimed at increasing productivity, Vice President Ma'ruf ...

PLTBg power plant using palm oil liquid waste to generate electricity

State-run PT Pertamina through its sub-holding Pertamina NRE and state-run plantation PT Perkebunan Nusantara III are ...

Three Indonesian provinces to receive grants from US MCC

Three Indonesian provinces will receive Rp4 trillion in grants from the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to ...

Indonesia is world's largest biodiesel producer: Hartarto

Indonesia is globally the largest producer of biodiesel, with daily output touching 137 thousand barrels, which is much ...

Palm oil contributes significantly to Indonesia's exports: Minister

Indonesia's food and beverage industry, particularly palm oil, has contributed significantly to the country's ...

Govt-stakeholder partnership targets rejuvenating palm oil plantations

The government has inked a partnership agreement with stakeholders in the palm oil industry to achieve the target to ...

Government imposes progressive export levies on CPO

The government has imposed progressive export levies on palm oil products, including crude palm oil (CPO) and its ...

Coordinating minister sees CPO prices rising in 2021

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, has projected that the price of crude palm oil (CPO) ...

Palm oil sector needs strategy to tackle pandemic challenge: Gapki

The palm oil industry needs to formulate a new strategy in order to face the challenges to business created by the ...

Indonesia urges EU to accord fair treatment to palm oil

Arguing against the phasing out of palm oil, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi urged the European Union (EU) to give fair ...

Pesantren playing significant role in national development: Mulyani

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said Indonesia’s 28,194 pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), which ...

COVID-19 pandemic dampens Indonesia's palm oil exports by 11 percent

Indonesia's palm oil exports decreased by 11 percent from the corresponding period in 2019, as the world grapples ...

Ministry prepares strict sanctions on slash-and-burn farming

The Agriculture Ministry is considering imposing strict sanctions, in accordance with plantation law number 39 of 2014, ...