Papua police officers arrested two PNG citizens for allegedly smuggling 51 packages of marijuana from their country ...
Police officers in Serang city, Banten, recently uncovered an inter-provincial drug ring operated out of a prison, the ...
Riau police apprehended 13 suspected drug traffickers and seized 19 kg of methamphetamine, 21,161 ecstasy pills, and 30 ...
The Bandarlampung city police apprehended five drug traffickers and seized 8,866 ecstasy pills, one kg of ...
The National Police's Narcotics Crime Directorate worked along with the Thailand Police and the US' Drug ...
A 43-year-old man was caught trying to smuggle 52 packs of methamphetamine weighing around 5.3 kilograms concealed ...
The East Jakarta police announced on Sunday that a 61-year-old man, identified as AS alias OM alias Bambang, was ...
East Nusa Tenggara police investigators have named three fishermen as suspects in a blast fishing case in the Tanjung ...
A joint team of personnel from the North Sumatra police and Kualanamu International Airport's security unit ...
Police officers in Pidie District, Aceh Province, recently arrested three local farmers for allegedly selling crystal ...
Police officers in North Sumatra have arrested a 41-year-old man for allegedly trafficking nine kilograms of crystal ...
Indonesia's presidential and vice presidential pairs, currently striving to win the hearts and minds of the ...
Three members of a Malaysian drug ring were caught in Aceh province and 30 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine stashed ...
The North Kalimantan Water and Air Police (Polairud) foiled a drug trafficker's attempt to smuggle five kilograms ...
Police officers in Bangkalan, East Java, foiled a drug trafficker's attempt to send one kilogram of crystal ...