
Collection of posts news, found 1.857 news.

U.S. police used Facebook, Twitter data to track protesters

U.S. police departments used location data and other user information from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to track ...

Indonesia, PNG border liaison meeting scheduled in Port Moresby

A border liaison meeting between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) will be organized in Port Moresby, PNG, on Nov. ...

President bestows "Bhayangkara Utama Star" on police chief

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has bestowed the "Bhayangkara Utama Star" on National Police Chief General Tito ...

Govt should legalize campaign ban on officials

Deputy House Speaker Taufik Kurniawan has lauded President Joko Widodos policy banning all officials and leaders of ...

Prasetio named chairman of Ahok-Djarot election campaign team

Secretary of the Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Democrat Party of Struggle (PDIP) Prasetio Edi Marsudi has been ...

Syrian army recaptures key Palestinian refugee camp in Aleppo

Syrian forces backed by Palestinian groups succeeded Saturday to recapture a camp of Palestinian refugees in the ...

Agus Yudhoyono-Sylviana pair registers with Jakarta General Election Commission

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni, candidates for the post of governor and deputy governor, respectively, ...

Cikeas coalition convinced Agus-Sylviana pair can win Jakarta election

The Cikeas Coalition, an alliance of four parties, is convinced that the Agus-Sylviana pair will win the Jakarta ...

Agus-Sylviana seen as ideal pair for Jakarta

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni will prove to be a good pair of candidates to run for the Jakarta ...

Relief aid, equipment rushed to victims of Garut flooding

Indonesia is in mourning following the tragedy in Garut District, West Java Province, where flash floods have led to ...

Pelindo III wants police intervention to cut short dwelling time

Port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III said it would welcome police intervention in seeking to cut short ...

Indonesia committed to supporting UN peacekeeping mission

The Indonesian government has reiterated its commitment to supporting the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission, ...

Govt preparing steps to face floods, landslides

The government held a coordination meeting on Friday to discuss anticipatory steps to be taken in the face of possible ...

antam posts rp11 billion in net profit - (d)

Publicly-listed state mining firm PT Antam Tbk saw its net profit jumping to Rp11 billion in the first half of 2016 ...

Indonesia declares forest fire emergency

Indonesias Minister of Forestry and Environment Siti Nurbaya has said the country has been placed under emergency with ...