
Collection of preacher news, found 140 news.

President Jokowi to make celebrating Eid in different regions a tradition

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that he will make it a tradition to visit regions to observe Eid celebrations in ...

President Jokowi ends Lebaran visit in Aceh

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage departed from an air force base in Aceh for Solo, Central Java, at ...

Muslim scholars condemn latest Charlie Hebdo prophet cartoon

A leading association of Muslim academics has criticised the decision by French weekly Charlie Hebdo to publish a new ...

Three dead as Sydney siege ends

Sydneys terror siege ended in tragedy early Tuesday morning with three dead - including the lone gunman - as police ...

VP Kalla attends Islamic New Year celebration

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla attended the Muharram 1, 1436 Hegira Islamic New Year celebration at the Bung Karno ...

Thousands hold dzikr rituals to welcome Islamic New Year

Thousands of residents of the provincial capital of Medan City, North Sumatra, flocked to Merdeka Square for prayers ...

Indonesian Muslims welcome Islamic New Year

Indonesian Muslims in various parts of the country held parades, festivals, dhikrs, joint prayers and various other ...

Indonesia fighting against ISIS presence

Indonesia, the worlds largest Muslim populated country, is doing its best to prevent the influence of the Islamic ...

`Lebaran` expected to `reunite` people after elections

The Indonesian people appear divided into two camps following the recent presidential election on July 9, 2014, but ...

Month-long Ramadan ends with big celebration

The month-long 2014 Ramadan fasting month in Indonesia ended on Monday with a victorious celebration after thousands ...

President Yudhoyono says Idul Fitri prayer at Istiqlal mosque

President Susilo Yudhoyono joined Indonesian muslims congregations to say Idul Fitri prayers at the Jakarta Istiqlal ...

Hatta Rajasa attends sermon assembly at Istiqlal

Vice presidential candidate Hatta Rajasa attended a grand religious sermon assembly (tabligh akbar) with noted ...

noted muslim preacher jeffry killed in motorbike accident

Noted Muslim preacher Jeffry al Buchory was killed in a motorbike accident in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta at the wee ...

Muslim scholar Zakiyah Darajat passed away

National Muslim scholar Prof Dr Zakiyah Darajat passed away here on Tuesday at 09.30 A.M at Syarif Hidayatullah ...

Maya 'end of days' fever reaches climax in Mexico

Thousands of mystics, hippies and spiritual wanderers will descend on the ruins of Maya cities on Friday to celebrate ...