
Collection of professor news, found 1.271 news.

Govt must be consistent in sinking illegal fishing vessels: Academician

The government has been urged to be consistent in its operations to sink foreign vessels found fishing illegally in ...

Susi criticizes G-20 for allegedly unfair decisions in fishery sector

As President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is preparing to take part in the G-20 summit meeting, his energetic Marine and ...

New subgroup analysis shows Asian non-small cell lung cancer patients with most common EGFR mutation (del19) lived significantly longer with first-line GIOTRIF® (afatinib*) compared to chemotherapy

- For Media In Asian Countries Only For Whom The Data Is Relevant (For media outside UK, US and Canada only)Boehringer ...

People urged to give Jokowi time to select ministers

A political observer from state General Soedirman University in Purwokerto, Central Java, has called on the people to ...

Indonesia Needs Solid System Of Checks And Balances

- General elections in Indonesia this year have led to an entirely new political scenario in the country. This ...

Jokowi to make Indonesia creative nation

Inaugurated on Monday, October 20,2014 as the 7th president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi has the ...

Tensions calm down in run-up to presidential inauguration

Indonesias political tensions abruptly calmed down over a meeting between President-elect Joko Widodo and former ...

Seaweed major source of Indonesian farmers` income

Cultivation of seaweed as a major source of income for tens of thousands of Indonesian farmers is being intensified to ...

Scientists find Indonesian Cave Art is Among the World's Oldest

-A team of Indonesian and Australian scientists has dated some of the world's earliest known cave art on the Indonesian ...

Stamps of Tintin at Indonesia's Komodo Island launched in Brussels

Two stamps depicting cartoon character Tintin in Indonesia's Komodo Island and Kemayoran (Jakarta) were recently ...

Indonesia, Serbia sign working plan to archive non-aligned movement documents

The National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) and The Archives of Yugoslavia in The Republic of Serbia ...

Scotland rejects independence in historic referendum

Scotland has rejected independence in a referendum that leaves the United Kingdom intact but opens the door to wider ...

Milk drinking during pregnancy linked to infant iron deficiency: NZ research

Pregnant women who drink a lot of milk put their babies at risk of having an iron deficiency during an important phase ...

Indonesia officially owns microorganism collection center

Indonesia, through the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), now owns the Indonesian Culture Collection (InaCC), a ...

Indonesia fighting against ISIS presence

Indonesia, the worlds largest Muslim populated country, is doing its best to prevent the influence of the Islamic ...