#religious tolerance

Collection of religious tolerance news, found 146 news.

US ambassador discusses freedom with religious leaders

US Ambassador Scot Marciel has hosted leaders from several Ahmadiyah and Christian congregations across West Java to ...

India wishes to increase tourism cooperation with Bali

India wishes to increase tourist visits from Bali to India and vice-versa to deepen the relations between the two ...

President attends hindu day celebration

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono attended the celebration of the National Dharma Shanti ...

President asks people to preserve tolerance

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked all parties to continue maintaining tolerance and political ethics in ...

Eurasian Media Forum to Meet Again in Kazakhstan's Capital

-The 11th conference of the Eurasian Media Forum (EAMF) will take place in Astana on 25 and 26 April 2013.To view the ...

Indonesia to host Asia`s muslim-christian leaders conference

Indonesia will host the Conference of Muslim-Christians Religious Leaders of Asia on February 26 through March 1, 2013 ...

US envoy discusses religious tolerance

U.S. Ambassador Scot Marciel met the well-known spiritual leader Habib Munzir bin Fuad al-Musawa at the cleric's ...

Jokowi calls for religious tolerance

The Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, has urged the people of Jakarta to maintain religious ...

Islamic Boarding Schools not shaping radicals

Coordinating minister for people`s welfare Agung Laksono has refuted the allegation that Islamic Boarding Schools or ...

Insult against religion not part of freedom of expression

The production of anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims" by a small group of US citizens has hurt religious ...

Clinton to discuss the US-Indonesia comprehensive partnership

Chairman of the Setara Institute Hendardi said the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will discuss with Indonesian ...

Maulana from TransTV breaks fast at US Embassy

U.S. Ambassador Scot Marciel and other embassy staff broke their fast on August 13 at a `buka puasa` or Iftar dinner ...

Indonesia`s religious harmony reflected in WPA-2012

Religious harmony and tolerance could be truly experienced at the World Prayer Assembly (WPA-2012) in Jakarta. On ...

US embassy recognizes Indonesian NGO`s fight against gender violence

The US Embassy`s Political Section has presented Misiyiah of the women`s advocacy NGO KAPAL Perempuan with a ...

RI can be example of inter-religious harmony

Indonesia`s inter-religious harmony and tolerance which have often cited as an example to the rest of the world are in ...