The Jayapura city government, Papua, is preparing a location for establishing several industries of Virgin Coconut Oil ...
The Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia, Stig Traavik, has said his government is ready to help Indonesia to develop ...
The Tidore city administration in the Indonesian province of North Maluku is making every effort to develop several ...
Sago forest in Papua needs to be preserved in a sustainable manner because it is a food reserve for the local ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the government will likely start construction of railway track in Papua from ...
Indonesias state-owned forestry company PT Perhutani has set up the biggest sago factory in the country in Kais, West ...
Sago can be a solution to make Indonesia self-sufficient in staple foods, an expert in biotechnology and ...
President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana arrived at Mopah airport in Merauke, Papua on Tuesday evening to visit ...
The Ampera Bridge has become the most famous icon of Palembang, which is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia and in ...
President Joko Widodo has said he will review the licenses of companies that have converted peatlands into monoculture ...
Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan has urged the Riau Province Administration not to issue additional permit for oil ...
President Susilo Yudhoyono is scheduled to open the international maritime event of Sail Raja Ampat on August 22, ...
The next government of Indonesia after the upcoming July 9, 2014, presidential election is expected to ensure food ...
The oil spill from a leaked well of PT Petro Selat, in Siak District of Riau Province, has polluted the environment in ...
Indonesia is ranked 70th in terms of food security, although it is endowed with abundant natural resources. ...