
Collection of scarcity news, found 431 news.

Mayors from six CTI countries gather in Wakatobi

A number of regents and mayors from six countries of Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) began a round table meeting at ...

Asean seeking food security amid surge in global prices

The current global food and energy price hikes have concerned President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as this year`s ASEAN ...

Global climate treaty still elusive objective

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said here Thursday that despite the long time spent and enormous efforts made by ...

250,000 Pakistani children die a year due to unsafe water

Findings of a government body suggest that unsafe water kills 250,000 children in Pakistan a year. According to a new ...

Indonesia's LNG surplus prioritized for domestic market

The Indonesian government has pledged to prioritize its liquefied natural gas (LNG) stock to meet the country`s ...

Nuke radiation test for Indonesians arriving from Japan

Health Minister Endang R Sedyaningsih said all Indonesians who have returned home from Japan would be examined to ...

Govt to simplify issuance of operation permits for new ships

Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi said he would simplify the issuance of operation permits for new ...

US warns against travel to Ivory Coast

The United States urged its citizens against travel to Ivory Coast on Wednesday, amid rising violence in the African ...

RI, Iran ready to realize agricultural cooperation

Indonesia and Iran are ready to realize the agricultural cooperation agreement they signed in 2008, Agriculture ...

Aceh community demands immediate evacuation of students from Egypt

The worsening political turmoil in Egypt has caused Aceh communities to demand acceleration of the Indonesian students ...

Pulp, paper industry attracts US$16 bln investment

The pulp and paper industry in Indonesia has developed vastly and attracted an investment worth US$16 billion, ...