#security in papua

Collection of security in papua news, found 66 news.

PON Papua

Security situation conducive in four clusters of Papua's PON: police

Indonesia's National Police confirmed that as of Wednesday, the security situation remained conductive in four ...

Strict health protocols key for PON success: House Speaker

The implementation of strict health protocols is key for the successful holding of the XX Papua National Sports Week ...

News Focus

Ensuring an orderly, secure and protected Papua games

Jakarta office has adopted preventive measures by assigning 20 police officers in Jakarta's contingent. The ...

Papua PON will run in orderly, secure manner: police chief

National Police chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited several venues for Papua's PON National Games on ...

Some 11 other residents of Kiwirok evacuated to Oksibil

Some 11 residents of Kiwirok were evacuated from the sub-district to Oksibil, Pegunungan Bintang District, Papua, amid ...

Mahfud MD confident of Papua PON being held smoothly, safely

Coordinating Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Minister Mahfud MD is confident that the PON XX National Games and ...

Several armed Papuans in Mimika reunified with families: police

Scores of members of armed Papuan separatist terrorist groups have reunited with their families and communities to ...

News Feature

Preserving the sustainability of Papuan staple sago

Sago, a starch extracted from the centre or pith of tropical palm stems, particularly Metroxylon sagu, has ...

Benny Wenda has no authority to declare independence: Lemhanas

United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) leader Benny Wenda, in exile in the UK, has no authority to declare a ...

Papua police continue probe into deadly shootings

Papua police officials said they are continuing efforts to uncover a series of deadly shootings over the past few ...

Papua police vigilant ahead of voting day

The security situation in 11 Papuan districts headed for simultaneous regional elections on December 9, 2020 has so far ...

Armed Papuan criminals disrupt endeavors to improve locals' welfare

Notorious armed Papuan criminal groups operational in the administrative areas of Intan Jaya have recurrently hindered ...

Freeport security officer faces trial for armed group involvement

The North Jakarta District Court scheduled the first trial of PT Freeport Indonesia security officer Ivan Sambom, alias ...

MPR chief urges police, military to refocus on maintaining peace

Bambang Soesatyo, the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) chairman, expressed regret over a clash between police ...

Legislator regrets clash between police, military officers in Papua

Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Commission III member Aboebakar Alhabsyi regretted a clash between ...