#separatist group

Collection of separatist group news, found 151 news.

Indonesia sovereign state, won`t submit to pirates` will: Minister

As a sovereign state, Indonesia will not submit to the whims of pirates such as the Filipino separatist group, Abu ...

Security forces trace location of 10 Indonesian hostages

Security forces have identified the location of the 10 Indonesians held hostage by the Philippine separatist group, ...

Security of small tugboats to be prioritized: Minister

Coordinating Minister for Political, Security and Legal Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan said here on Thursday that small ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines finalizing SOP for joint patrols

Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines are still finalizing the standard operating procedure (SOP) for conducting ...

Defense ministry continues to monitor Indonesian hostages

Indonesias Defense Ministry is constantly monitoring the Indonesian citizens abducted by an armed group in the ...

Team set up to negotiate the release of Indonesian hostages

Coordinating Minister for Law, Security and Political Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said a team has been set up to ...

Military operation to be final option to free Indonesian hostages

In the last five months, Indonesias government has faced five hostage-taking incidents involving 24 Indonesian sailors ...

Indonesia rules out military operation in freeing hostages: Minister

The government is still ruling out a military operation to free the 10 Indonesians abducted by the Abu Sayyaf group in ...

Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia to meet on Abu Sayyaf hostages

Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi said the defense ministers of Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia would meet in ...

Indonesia seeks to secure release of four more hostages

After the release on Sunday of ten Indonesian sailors taken hostage since March by the Abu Sayyaf rebels in southern ...

`No ransom paid in the process of freeing Indonesian hostages`

No ransom was paid for the liberation of 10 Indonesian hostages held by the Philippines separatists since March, 2016, ...

Military officer shot dead by separatist

Chief of the 17th Cenderawasih Military Command Major General Hinsa Siburian confirmed that one of his officers was ...

French tourists admit to coverage in Papua

Two tourists from France, who have been detained in Jayapura immigration office, Papua, confessed to have taken ...

Papua military confiscate 28 weapons from separatists

The Indonesian Military has seized 28 weapons from a separatist group during the period between January and April ...

A soldier killed by extremists in Papua

An Indonesian soldier was killed by a group of separatists in Ketinggian Pintu Angin , Papua on Friday. First ...