#skk migas

Collection of skk migas news, found 239 news.

Minister surprised over high gas production cost

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan has said that he was surprised to see the rise in ...

Jangkrik gas to be utilized for electricity generation, fertilizer industry

The gas output from the Jangkrik field in the Muara Bakau Block will be utilized for electricity generation and the ...

Indonesia produces more than finding oil and gas: Archandra

Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Archandra Tahar said oil discovery in Indonesia is still ...

Pertamina allocates US$190 million for Mahakam exploration

State-run oil and gas company Pertamina has allocated US$190 million for exploration of Mahakam Block in East ...

Exxonmobil waiting for Amdal to raise Cepu Block production

ExxonMobil Indonesia said it is awaiting environment license from the Environment and Forestry Ministry before ti ...

Pertamina needs Rp1,000 trillion investment to catch up with Petronas

PT Pertamina said it needs an investment of at least Rp1,000 trillion and 10 years to catch up with Malaysian rival ...

2016 Indonesia oil production exceeds target

Indonesias oil and gas production this year exceeded the target set in the 2016 revised state budget (APBNP 2016) at ...

Tiaka oil block temporarily stops production on low price

JOB Pertamina Medco E&B Tomori Sulawesi has decided to temporarily stop producing oil from the Tiaka block in the ...

Government to issue decision on transition in Mahakam block operation

The government will issue decision on the transitional period of the operation of the Mahakam gas block off East ...

Lawmaker asks government to issue perppu on oil and gas

A lawmaker urged the government to issue regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) while waiting for the House of ...

Cepu block oil production up to 185,000 barrels per day

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) said crude oil production of the Banyuurip field of the Cepu block in the regency of ...

All falling short of targets in upstream oil sector

Oil and gas investors have lost interest that no target was achieved in the upstream oil and gas sector in the first ...

Govt plans to build five floating storages for LNG

The Indonesian government has set itself the target of building five more floating storage and re-gasification units ...

Gas sales-purchase contracts signed

The gas sales-purchase contracts which have the potential to contribute Rp7.4 trillion revenues to the state were ...

Arrest of two suspects in condensate sales put off

Police have put off the arrest of two corruption and money laundering suspects in the case of the sales of state ...