#state owned banks

Collection of state owned banks news, found 175 news.

State-owned companies to buy land in Australia for cattle breeding

Three Indonesian state-owned companies plan to buy a million hectare land in Australia for cattle breeding. "We ...

Dahlan Iskan ready to help stabilize rupiah

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said he is ready to help the government stabilize the rupiah by involving ...

State-owned banks have big chance to expand to Singapore: Observer

An economic observer said state-owned banks have bigger chances to expand and compete in Singapore if that country ...

Minister ready to convert state-owned bank into syariah bank

State-owned Enterprise (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan said he was ready to convert a state-owned bank from a conventional ...

Indonesian parliament approves Agus Martowardojo as new Bank Indonesia governor

Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) have approved Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo as new ...

High lending rate hampers economic growth

High lending rate in the country has hampered national economic growth, an official said. "If the lending rate can ...

Dahlan bans Pertamina from buying dollars from money market

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has instructed state oil and gas company Pertamina and state electricity firm ...

Ministry calls on banks to actively distribute housing loans

The Public Housing Ministry has urged all banks in the country to be more active in distributing credits under Housing ...

Indonesian govt aims to channel Rp30 tln in small business credits

The government has set itself the target of channeling Rp30 trillion in smallholder business credits (KUR) until the ...

Dahlan to continue his monorail project

State enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan said here on Thursday he would continue with Adhi Karya`s plan to build a ...

Pertamina, PLN to contribute half of state firms` total income

The State Enterprises Ministry has projected revenues from all state firms in 2012 to reach Rp1,495.689 trillion, of ...

State banks provide rp5.1t for Pelindo`s projects

Three state-owned banks will provide a loan facility amounting to Rp5.12 trillion for state-owned seaport operator PT ...

Credit growth remains high in 2012: Bank Indonesia

The growth of bank credits in Indonesia remains high, standing at an average of 24 per cent, the central bank says. ...

House asks state banks to support housing financing scheme

House Speaker Marzuki Alie has asked state-owned banks to support the government`s policy on a poor people`s housing ...

Govt considering two infrastructure financing options

The government discussed two options for the financing of infrastructure development at a limited cabinet meeting ...