
Collection of structure news, found 1.408 news.

VP Boediono hails Toyota`s expansion plan in RI

Vice President Boediono has hailed Toyota Motor Corp`s plan to expand its plants in Indonesia to increase its ...

Truth behind 9/11 remains unknown after 10 years, says journalist

Ten years have elapsed since the events of 9/11 and yet the truth about the attacks in New York and Washington has not ...

Moscow muslims oppose alterations to historic mosque

Muslim groups in the Russian capital strongly oppose planned changes to one of Moscow`s oldest mosques in spite of a ...

Govt temporarily stops recruiting civil servants

The government has decided to temporarily stop recruiting civil servants to streamline the bloated size of its 4.7 ...

Ministers sign joint decree on civil servant recruitment moratorium

Three ministers signed a Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) on the moratorium of civil servant recruitment at the Vice ...

MP3EI, strategic breakthrough to accelerate regional development

As part of the agenda of "development for all", the government last May 2011 launched the Master Plan for the ...

Loans, state securities to cover budget deficit: President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that the deficit in the state budget would be covered by state securities ...

NTT Com's Japan-U.S. Backbone Bandwidth Reaches 500 Gbps

-         NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced on August 2 that it has ...

PII ready to partner with government

The Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) is ready to partner with the government to speed up national development, ...

People forced to wait longer for social security

Indonesian people - those in the low-income bracket in particular, have to exercise a still undetermined additional ...

House speaker apologizes for delay in passing social security bill

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker has apologized for failure to pass a Bill on Social Security ...

Probe into Dutch stadium partial roof collapse starts

Dutch police and the city of Enschede launched an investigation Friday into the partial collapse of a roof at FC ...

Babel may host RI`s first nuke power plants

Forced by strong opposition from the local population, the government has decided to postpone building a nuclear ...

Suryadharma`s reelection to strengthen PPP ahead of 2014 general elections

The reelection of Suryadharma Ali as general chairman of the United Development Party or PPP was considered to be ...

Merpati orders for 20 N-219s from PTDI

Minister for State Enterprises Mustafa Abubakar has encouraged PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Merpati) to cooperate in ...