
Collection of sukhoi news, found 234 news.

SAR team to evacuate bodies of more Sukhoi victims

The Search and Rescue (SAR) team has recommenced evacuating the Sukhoi Superjet 100 victims` remains that are still ...

Sukhoi`s joy flight based on permits

Transportation Minister, EE Mangindaan said that the joy flight of commercial aircraft Sukhoi Super Jet 100 that ...

Cicurug residents find more bodies, ID cards of Sukhoi victims

About 13 residents of Cicurug subdistrict, Sukabumi district, claimed they found some remains and several identity ...

PTDI, Sukhoi cooperation continues despite crash

The President Director of state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), Budi Santoso, said the ...

Transportation Minister leads transfer of Sukhoi victims

Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan led a ceremony transferring the Sukhoi SuperJet 100 crash victims at Halim ...

Police to give Sukhoi victims` property to family

The Indonesian police hospital in Kramatjati, East Jakarta, will hand over the property of the victims of the Sukhoi ...

Sukhoi victims` families allowed to see body remains

The families of the victims of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 plane crash were allowed to see the bodies of their loved ones, ...

Police chief visits families of Sukhoi victims at police hospital

Indonesia`s Police Chief General Timur Pradopo visited the families and relatives of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 victims ...

Families of Sukhoi victims undergo psychological exams

The families and relatives of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 victims have begun undergoing a psychological examination at ...

SAR team broadens radius of its search for sukhoi FDR

Bogor, W Java (ANTARA) News - The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) chief, Vice Marshal Daryatmo, said the ...

DVI team completes identification process of air crash`s victims

The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team has completed the identification process of all remains of the ill-fated ...

Identification of air crash victims to be completed in mid-July

The identification of the victims of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 air crash is expected to be completed in mid-July, at the ...

Indonesian forensic experts very experienced ones: hospital chief

Indonesian forensic experts are already very experienced so that the Russian forensic team did not play much role in ...

Sukhoi victim identification process still continuing -

The Indonesian Police Disaster Victim Identification unit is continuing the process of identifying victims from the ...

Joint Indonesian, Russian team continue searching for Sukhoi black box

A 16-member joint Indonesian- Russian team continued searching on Saturday for the flight data recorder from the ...