#the coordinating minister for human development and culture

Collection of the coordinating minister for human development and culture news, found 773 news.

Indonesia to arrange air transportation for AAC participants

The government has lined up three to four aircraft owned by the national airline of Indonesia, PT Garuda Indonesia, to ...

President observes Asia-Africa conference preparation in Bandung

President Joko Widodo has assessed that preparations for the 60th anniversary of the Asian-African Conference in ...

Megawati reelected PDIP chairperson

Megawati Soekarnoputri was reelected and installed as general chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of ...

President Jokowi encourages Indonesian diplomats to push for economic diplomacy

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo encouraged all Indonesian diplomats posted overseas to push for economic diplomacy, so ...

Jokowi installs members of Presidential Advisory Council

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) installed members of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) at the State Palace ...

RI govt does its best to find AirAsia plane:VP

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the government did its best to find the missing AirAsia Flight QZ 8501 and ...

Indonesia cards first step towards improving people`s welfare: President Jokowi

The provision of numerous cards, including the Healthy Indonesia Card and Smart Indonesia Card, to disadvantaged ...

Indonesian minister hands over 6,800 fisherman cards

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Indroyono Soesilo handed over 6,800 fisherman cards to the representatives ...