#toll gate

Collection of toll gate news, found 175 news.

President Jokowi inaugurates Section I of Serang-Panimbang Toll Road

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the 26.5-kilometer-long Serang-Rangkasbitung Toll Road, the first section of ...

President to review vaccination program at school in Samarinda

President Joko Widodo will monitor a COVID-19 vaccination program organized for students of the 22 State Middle School ...

Some 381,851 vehicles exited Jabodetabek until day-five of "mudik" ban

State-owned toll road operator PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk recorded 381,851 vehicles having departed from Jakarta, ...

Police turn back 70 thousand vehicles on homecoming ban's third day

The Indonesian Police turned back some 70 thousand vehicles from 381 check points across the country, including Sumatra ...

Police intercept ambulance carrying seven Eid al-Fitr holidaymakers

The police found an ambulance carrying seven Eid al-Fitr holidaymakers during the implementation of no-homecoming trip ...

Police turn back 32,815 vehicles on homecoming ban's second day

The Indonesian police turned back 32,815 vehicles from 381 checkpoints across the country on the second day of the Eid ...

Police turn back23,573vehicles on first day of homecoming ban

The Indonesian police turned back 23,573 vehicles from 381 checkpoints across the country on the first day of the ...

Hundreds of workers protest mobility restrictions on Cikampek tollroad

Hundreds of workers launched a protest after they were not allowed to pass through a checkpoint at kilometer 31 of the ...

Jakarta-Cikampek toll road crowded yet before "mudik" ban

Vehicular flow on Jakarta-Cikampek toll road was high yet smooth and without traffic congestion from and to the ...

President Jokowi visits South Sumatra to inaugurate toll road project

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a working visit to Palembang, South Sumatra Province, on Tuesday, to inaugurate the ...

Police conduct crime scene reconstruction of FPI members' shooting

Indonesian Police (Polri), last night, conducted reconstruction of the six Islamic Defenders' Front (FPI) ...

West Java police foils attempt to smuggle meth from Pekanbaru

The West Java Police acted promptly to avert an attempt to smuggle crystal methamphetamine transported aboard a truck ...

Operator confirms enforcement of Manado-Bitung toll road tariff soon

The Manado-Bitung toll road operator hinted that the toll road tariff will shortly be enforced at the ...

Manado-Bitung toll road users urged not to exceed speed limit

The Manado-Bitung toll road operator has appealed to drivers not to exceed speed limit and violate traffic signs and ...

Jokowi visits East Nusa Tenggara to review infrastructure projects

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) embarked on a work visit to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province for inspecting the ...