#us china trade war

Collection of us china trade war news, found 107 news.

Rrupiah`s exchange rate to strengthen: Central Bank

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo believed the rupiah`s exchange rate against the dollar would be relatively ...

US-China new import duty weakens rupiah to RP14,933

Indonesia`s central bank (BI) said that the weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar on Tuesday was a result of ...

Indonesian finance minister concerned about China`s response to Trump`s trade offensive

The government of Indonesia is concerned about China`s response to US President Donald Trump`s trade ...

President certain current account deficit to end in a year

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed belief that the problem of current account deficit would be resolved within ...

Indonesia to seize opportunity from US-China trade war

The Trade Ministry is making additional efforts to gain from the US-China trade war to boost Indonesia`s exports and ...

President chairs cabinet meeting on draft 2019 state budget

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a plenary cabinet meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Wednesday to ...

US-China trade war has impact on Indonesia: Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla opined that the trade war between the United States and China had direct and indirect ...

Economic integration needed to face trade war

In the face of possible trade war between giant economies of the United States and China, Indonesia has to improve the ...

EU can offer solution to US-China trade war

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) opined that the European Union (EU) can offer an opportunity and solution to the ...

Government reviews impact of US-China trade war

The government is reviewing the impact of the trade war between the United States and China on Indonesia, Vice ...

Indonesia`s trade increases amid us, china trade war

Indonesia`s trade with the United States and with the People`s Republic of China continues to increase despite both ...

US policy change puts pressure on rupiah: BI

The pressures on stability, particularly of the Rupiah exchange rate, tend to originate from policy change in the ...

Bank Indonesia takes appropriate actions to maintain economic stability

Bank Indonesia (BI) will continue to take appropriate actions to create and maintain economic stability amid the ...

ASEAN must remain neutral in US-China trade war: Expert

ASEAN must remain neutral in the United States-China trade war in an effort to maintain peace and stability in the ...

Looming US-China trade war may have far-reaching impact: VP

A looming trade war between the US and China may have a far-reaching impact on Indonesia unless it is solved ...