
Collection of vessel news, found 964 news.

Indonesia invites parties to avoid conflict in South China Sea

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has invited all parties to maintain peace and security in the South China Sea area to avoid ...

Indonesia assures safety of detained chinese fishing boat crew

Indonesia has assured that eight Chinese fishing boat crew, detained after they were found poaching fish in Natuna ...

Indonesia`s Firm Stance on China`s Territorial Violations Lauded

Indonesias Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti was seemingly furious when she received a report ...

Indonesian Navy keeps securing Natuna waters: Officer

The Indonesian Navy keeps securing the Natuna waters but it has no authority to comment on the case of a Chinese Coast ...

RI asks China to respect int`l law of sea

Indonesia has asked China to respect the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos) 1982 following Chinese ...

Bilateral, multilateral cooperation needed to fight illegal fishing

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed to partly blow up FV Viking, so the other part could be turned into a ...

Masela offshore scheme confirms Indonesian clout in border region: Analyst

The offshore scheme design for the Masela block will confirm the presence and clout of Indonesia in the border region ...

Demolition of MV Viking based on lawful evidence: Kiara

The demolition of MV Viking, a vessel being sought out by Interpols Norwegian branch, is both lawful and based on ...

Indonesian government to sink interpol fugitive vessel FV Viking

The Indonesian Government is to sink the FV Viking vessel, wanted by the Interpol for several marine regulation ...

Cepu block oil production rises to new peak

The oil production of the Banyu Urip field in the Cepu block has risen to a new peak at 165,000 barrels per day, its ...

China's 2016 defence budget to slow in line with economy

China's defence budget this year is likely to rise at its slowest pace since 2010, in line with the decelerating ...

Rescuers still searching for missing ship`s crew in Asmat water

A joint rescue team is still on the lookout for 13 missing crew members of the motor vessel KM Azula, which beached in ...

All on board ship catching fire off Maselembo are safe

All 19 crew members of the KM Lintas Belawan , which caught fire in the sea off Maselembo on Wednesday are saved by ...

Chubb appoints Marine Insurance leadership team for Asia Pacific

- Chubb announced today that it has appointed for the Asia Pacific region Christine Aldrich as its Marine Cargo ...

Rescue workers searching for crew of boat sinking off Papua

The Search and Rescue (SAR) agency of Timika, has sent a vessel, the TRB 217, to search for 13 crew members of the KM ...