#welcoming ceremony

Collection of welcoming ceremony news, found 87 news.

Indonesia, Turkey to discuss economy and security cooperation

Indonesian President Joko Widodo will discuss economic development and security cooperation with his Turkish ...

Obama to visit Bogor Presidential Palace

Former US President, Barack Obama, will attend President Joko Widodo's invitation to visit Bogor Presidential Palace ...

Pence, Jokowi watch Balinese Pendet dance

US Vice President Michael Richard Pence and Indonesian President Joko Widodo watched the Balinese Pendet dance at the ...

Jokowi receives S African president on state visit

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received South African President Jacob Gedleyehlekisa Zuma, who is on a ...

President Jokowi greets IORA Summit participants

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) greeted the heads of states/governments participating in the First Indian ...

King Salman`s visit to Bali expected to boost Arab tourists

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Sauds visit for holidaying in Bali is expected to help boosting the number of Arab ...

Indonesia, Singapore agree to develop tourism cooperation

Indonesia and Singapore agreed to develop cooperation in the tourism sector through the signing of a memorandum of ...

Hundreds of students welcome Duterte at Merdeka palace

At least 200 students from elementary schools in Jakarta welcomed Filipino President Rodrigo Roa Duterte at Merdeka ...

Community leaders waiting for visit by President Jokowi to Wakatobi

A Wakatobi community leader has expressed strong hope that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) would reschedule his plan to ...

Indonesian navy warship in Timor Leste for heatlh service mission

Indonesian navy warship KRI Dr. Soekarso (KRI SHS.

President Jokowi to welcome Queen of Denmark

President Joko Widodo, in the company of First Lady Iriana, will welcome Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, who is on a ...

President Jokowi holds welcoming ceremony for Norwegian PM

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the Royal of Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg in a state ...

Exchange program to bring Japanese teachers to Indonesian high schools

- A group of 25 teachers from Japan will be actively teaching Japanese Literature in 28 high schools in Indonesia as ...

DAYR has positive impact on ambon city tourism

The international Darwin to Ambon Yacht Race (DAYR) holds long-term advantages for the people of Ambon and Maluku, in ...

Facilities for APEC Summit 100 percent ready

Deputy chairman of the national committee of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2013 summit Chairul Tanjung ...