#zero carbon

Collection of zero carbon news, found 150 news.

Biodiesel policy accelerating transition to clean energy: Minister

Over the last 14 years, Indonesia's biodiesel policy has accelerated the transition from fossil-based energy to ...

Nuclear plants produce electricity efficiently with low emission: ORTN

Nuclear power plants can produce electricity more efficiently and have very low emissions compared to fossil fuels, the ...

ESDM Ministry converts 100 motorbikes into electric bikes

The Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry has successfully converted 100 units of conventional motorcycles into ...

Climate agenda to determine success of G20 Presidency: FPCI

Climate agenda is among the key focuses that will determine the success of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency this year, ...

Nusantara is a chance to develop world's best city: governor

The development of the new capital city (IKN), Nusantara, from the early or zero stage is an opportunity for Indonesia ...

Future of electric vehicles in Indonesia through the G20 Presidency

Indonesia, while holding the G20 presidency for the first time this year in the G20 forum since being founded in 1999, ...

Ripe momentum for 5G technology in accelerating Indonesian digital transformation ahead of G20 Summit

- Digital transformation has been gaining traction over the past few years. When the pandemic came out of nowhere, for ...

Jakarta targets electrifying 50 pct of TransJakarta's fleet by 2025

The Jakarta provincial government has targeted to convert 50 percent of the fleet of the bus rapid transit system ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: DEN seeks S20 support for achieving zero emissions target

Member of the National Energy Council (DEN) Satya Widya Yudha has asked the 2022 G20 Science 20 (S20) ...

PLN projects EBT-based power plants to offset 230-GW power shortage

based power plants to offset a power shortage of 230 gigawatts (GW) until 2060. The national energy production had ...

SIG using renewable energy to support net-zero carbon goal

State-run cement corporation PT Semen Indonesia (SIG) said it is supporting the government's efforts towards ...

New Capital Authority leader should be aware of local wisdom: senator

The New Capital Authority leader should not only be smart and determined in building infrastructure but also have ...

News Focus

Green economy for job creation

Sustainable economic growth is the great aspiration of the Indonesian people in the context of realizing a prosperous ...

G20 ETWG to raise three priority issues on sustainable energy

Three priority issues of access, technology, and funding for sustainable energy development will be raised through the ...

Investment in green economy to create up to 10 more jobs: ministry

Investment in the green economy sector can create seven to 10 more job opportunities than the conventional economy ...