Denpasar (ANTARA) - Acting Governor of Bali Sang Made Mahendra Jaya expressed interest in collaborating with Romania to bolster the quality of human resources in the province during a meeting with Romanian Ambassador to Indonesia Dan Adrian Balanescu.

He suggested that Balinese talents exchange notes on skills and competencies with people from the Romanian county of Arges.

"Bali has been enjoying a demographic bonus, indicated by the fact that people of productive age dominate its population. Hence, we will take concrete steps to enable our talents to work in Romania," the acting governor remarked in Denpasar City on Saturday.

Jaya extended appreciation to Ambassador Balanescu for his visit to Bali and the Romanian government's keenness to strengthen cooperation with the provincial government.

He told Balanescu that although Bali is not a region blessed with valuable natural resources, the province offers unique culture, beautiful natural environment, and its people's hospitality as its main selling points in the world of tourism.

The ambassador, for his part, explained that he paid Jaya a visit in a bid to explore workable measures for stepping up cooperation between Romania and Bali in various fields, including the possibility to establish sister province cooperation involving Bali and Arges.

During the meeting, Balanescu also conveyed his eagerness to push collaboration between the Balinese University of Udayana and universities in Arges County.

He then spoke of his plan to invite Balinese people to pursue a career in Romania and vice versa while emphasizing that such an exchange is of importance.

Balanescu told Jaya that the Romanian government is seeking to bolster cooperation in tourism with Bali, considering that the beauty of the province has been widely known among Romanians.

Moreover, the Romanian envoy offered Bali to cooperate in agriculture with Arges since the county is known as one of the best wine-producing regions in Europe.

Bali and Arges have the potential to forge agricultural export-import relations, he noted.

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