Samarinda, East Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) will hold the Nusantara Expo to highlight local culture. The expo will start in August 2024 and last six months.

"OIKN will hold a major event lasting for six months, which will be held in one of the most iconic locations in Nusantara, in the middle of the forest," OIKN's deputy for social, cultural, and community empowerment, Alimuddin, said here on Saturday.

He told ANTARA that his side will showcase Nusantara's lifestyle, culture, community life, and development at the expo.

He said that OIKN was waiting to hold the activity, but it was delayed due to various reasons.

Hence, he considers August to be the appropriate time for the event.

Alimuddin then invited all parties to take full advantage of the opportunity to actualize the culture and spirit of Nusantara's development.

"Moreover, there will be a show of Nusantara dance that aims to express cultural values, not only through dance movements, but as a real form of meaning and appreciation of cultural wealth," he added.

He said that OIKN has invited several art practitioners to provide inputs on the concept for the Nusantara dance.

He added that the opportunity must be used by local residents because they must be actors in their own villages and become Nusantara's development partners.

"I really hope that there will be easier access to witness Dayak culture, and (activities) to advance the local economy and culture here," he said.

For instance, he informed, the construction of the road infrastructure from Nusantara to West Kutai District in East Kalimantan is part of efforts to enable access to the Dayak culture.

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