Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government has urged the Security Council of the United Nations to immediately end Israels occupation of Palestine, according to a statement issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and received here by ANTARA on Friday.
The Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN, Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani, made this observation at an open debate, held by the United Nations Security Council at its headquarters in New York, USA, on Monday (April 18 ), on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.
On that occasion, Ambassador Djani asserted terminating the Israeli occupation of Palestine is extremely urgent as it was the prime condition for the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
"The violence in Palestine has reached an alarming level," he said.
The ambassador added that Israel must abide by its international responsibilities, to protect the rights of the Palestinian people and to stop the killings of Palestinians.
He underlined the agreement reached at the Extraordinary OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) Summit in Jakarta in March 2016. The agreement, among other things, made a case for achieving a comprehensive and final solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
"The violence that continues to occur reflects the depth of animosity between Palestinians and Israelis, and will further complicate the efforts to push for a peace process," he said.
Ambassador Djani also deplored the fact that the UN resolutions on Palestine were not being followed.
"The UN must not limit itself only with conducting a meeting or having consultations, as casualties continue to rise in Palestine. This is unacceptable," he said.
In addition to discussing the Palestinian issue, Ambassador Djani also raised the issue of conflict in Syria.
He said Indonesia hoped that the warring parties could promote dialogue and respect for humanitarian principles, and unite to rebuild Syria.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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