We continue to intensify security at public activity centers, especially since Eid is just a day away."Jogjakarta (ANTARA News) - The authorities continue to intensify security at the Jogjakarta Police headquarters following the suicide bombing incident at the Surakarta Police headquarters, earlier today.
"Security is always ensured, but we continue to intensify efforts following the bombing in Surakarta, especially at the command headquarters in DIY," Head of the Jogjakarta Polices Public Relations Anny Pudjiastuti stated in Jogjakarta, Tuesday.
Apart from the police headquarters, Pudjiastuti revealed that the DIY police chief had also instructed to tighten security at public activity centers, such as recreational spots, shopping malls, stations, and terminals.
"We continue to intensify security at public activity centers, especially since Eid is just a day away," she noted.
Apart from the bombing incident in Surakarta, Anny remarked that security had also been beefed up in Jogjakarta since June 30, along with the execution of the Ramadania Progo operation during the holy month of Ramadan.
"Two-third of our personnel have been dispatched to several areas, at least until the alert status (Siaga I) is lifted," she added.
Pudjiastuti also urged the citizens to raise their level of alertness by reporting suspicious activities around them to the authorities.
"We urge the people to also be aware and to immediately report any suspicious activities," she said.
Pudjiastuti also encouraged everyone to stay calm as the DIY police will ensure that the city is safe and secure.
"No need to be excessively concerned as the police chief has ensured security in the city, so the situation will remain conducive," Pudjiastuti emphasized.
Apart from the city, the Jogjakarta police have also deployed its personnel in the borders of the city following the bombing incident near the Surakarta Police headquarters in Solo.
"Following the incident in Solo, we are tightening security and surveillance in all areas in DIY, especially those bordering Central Java, including Prambanan, Kulon Progo, and Tempel Sleman," she reiterated.
All DIY police personnel are also urged to always be spry and increase their level of surveillance.
"We are also implementing additional safety measures at all police headquarters," she added.
(Reported by Luqman Hakim & Victorianus Sat Pranyoto/Uu.KR-ARC/INE/KR-BSR/O001)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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